Thursday, November 20, 2014

Playing It Forward - Workplace Style

Well, it’s that time of year when it’s not surprising to find offices across the Country sharing fellowship by servings of brought food and drinks. And though not all companies may invite such a gathering, for the most part the majority is those that do. And that’s a good thing. Whenever the opportunity arises to share time with some you might only say ‘hi’ to in the hall, I’m a firm believer in doing so.
This past week, the office where I hang my hat for eight hours out of the day had such a gathering. The tables were overflowing with not only turkey and ham, but also side dishes out the wing-wang – and not to mention the large assortment of desserts that reeked of delicious calories.
It was great.
But you know, this event also gave me a thought of how a closed-office gathering could actually be used as a tool for playing it forward outside its walls. And it wouldn’t take much of an effort at all. In fact, all it would take would be a few moments of ones time, a couple of disposable plates, plastic utensils, and some napkins.
You see, I was thinking. After all the festivities had settled, but before the leftover food was put away, go through the line and fill up another plate. Be sure to put a sound meal on it – and maybe some dessert as well. Then take another plate and cover it, gather up a set of utensils and grab a couple of napkins.
After you do this, then go outside of the building and play it forward. Take that plate full of morsels to someone who may be homeless; living on the streets. And if the person happens not to be there at the time, well then place the covered dish inside the cardboard box where they sleep. If you want… go ahead and drop a few bills on top the food for good measure. Then walk away. Don’t gloat. Do nothing but simply walk away.
It’s just a thought, folks. Something you might want to consider as you scarf up all that delicious food – the thought that you have reason to be extremely thankful, so why not let someone else who may not always be thankful, be thankful as well.
Enjoy the time with your fellow workers, but also play it forward.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Changes in Lattitude. Changes in Attitude.

I feel a need to apologize. Yeah, apologize. You see, I’ve been a bit lax with posting new entries to my blog ‘Tattered Laces’.

Now my recent distance toward the fine cyber community had nothing to do with any hurtful comments that might have been made, or in fact any ill feelings toward the lack of interests a post here and there might have received. No, honestly, the blame can be solely directed toward ‘changes’.

You see for the past couple of months, my life has been constantly changing – and we’re talking major changes both financial and personal.

However through it all, as true with all the changes we face everyday, we rely on our inner strengths in order to learn and grow. And no matter how old we may be whenever those life-altering changes occur, in the long run we can weather the storms.

Does this mean that during these changes that we should let all else that has been a foundation crumble away? Crumble away by focusing more attention toward those changes and not the reliable things in our lives? Well you see, that’s how I ‘dropped the ball’. Instead of becoming overwhelmed with the temporary changes that had landed in my path of life, I should have held tightly on to the stable things and used them as a crutch to help me along - even if one of those ‘things’ was this 500 word blog written twice a week.

So whether in the workplace or your personal life, don’t forget to use those stable things whenever going through changes. Be it a daily routine, a favorite lunch hangout, watching a favorite program on TV, or just playing with your kids or pets… you will find that it’s those types of things that will help keep you sane during the chaos that changes seem to bring.

Change really is a good thing. And though at the time we may not see its benefits, we all know in our gut that change happens for reasons. And since having to deal with change since the moment we were born, we also know that we will all be just fine.

Just a note though… if things DO start to seem too crazy, remember those prolific words penned by Jimmy Buffet:

It's those changes in latitudes / changes in attitudes nothing remains quite the same / With all of our running and all of our cunning / If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Costume Contest? Drive Carefully :)

So, it’s that time of year again! That event on our calendars when even the most introverted of co-workers might decide to show a totally different side by taking on the look and actions of a famous person, fictional character, or just something TOTALLY out there. Of course what I’m referring to is Halloween in the workplace.

Some companies go all out during this time by having costume and decoration contests; while others might keep it all on the down-low and just accept the craziness as a part of moral boosting.

Anyway… this is a fair warning to those who might decide to dress up – be sure NOT to get pulled over by the authorities on the way to that costume contest, for it might not only be embarrassing but a bit awkward as well. Let me share.

A few years back, I decided to dress up as Stevie Wonder. And though I was a white, bald guy, I felt it a decent possibility of being able to pull it off by gathering up the right materials.

Of course before going further with my plan, I contacted Human Resources to make sure that by going from one race to another that it wouldn’t come across as offensive to any person or group.  And after discussing any sincere concerns or ramifications that would come from my becoming Stevie for the upcoming costume contest, it was deemed acceptable – giving me the green light to continue.  So when the day/event finally came around, I WAS Stevie – actions, appearance, and even tried to the do his voice – and everyone really enjoyed it.

Well, everyone except for the police officer who pulled me over a few hours beforehand!

You see, on the way to work that day – dressed from head to toe in Stevie – I was in such a hurry to get to the office, that I happened to roll through a stop sign, and not totally stop at it. Well, lucky me, a motorcycle officer happened to be watching that same intersection and caught me doing the illegal act. Hence, he then pulled me over.

Now whether I was being profiled or not, I couldn’t answer. However once I pulled over and stopped the vehicle, he motioned me to step out. So, there I was during morning rush hour, at a busy intersection, now stepping out of the vehicle dressed like Stevie Wonder. You should have seen the looks!

Anyway, it was when looking toward this fine officer-of-the-law that I noticed he just happened to be of the same race that I was presenting myself to be. In other words, he was Black American. And to say that he was surprised to discover that under the Stevie garb stood before him a middle aged, white guy – well, if he was, he wasn’t expressing it; nor did he seem very amused.

I apologized for my lack of concern for the stop sign, and then explained in great detail why I was dressed the way that I was – and handed him my license while apologizing profusely for my appearance.  Straight-faced, he handed it back and told me to be more careful next time. No smile; no nothing. He then returned to his bike and drove off.

So folks… just wanted to share this little experience. That while you prepare yourself for that annual company Halloween costume contest – or even if you are on your way to a party of sorts – remind yourself when driving to the event to be sure to follow the rules-of-the-road closely, and stay out of any situation that might require you to get out of your vehicle. You never know what might happen or whom you may meet.

As for the Stevie Wonder costume? Well, I came in second. Had fun doing it though! And yes, at the end of the day I did find myself with a bit of a smile on my face. For you see, I couldn’t help but to think of when the officer returned to the Department and filled out his report on the incident.  I just knew that somewhere within his writings it had to have read: ‘Pulled over ‘Stevie Wonder’ for not seeing a stop sign.’

Happy Halloween, folks!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Catholics ARE Christians. They Really, Really Are!

Since living below the Mason/Dixon Line for the past thirty some-odd years, I’ve had the unfortunate occurrences of having to deal with certain forms of closed-mindedness due to being a practicing Catholic. And so with this blog entry, let me take a little of this cyberspace to sorta clear the air with some of those areas found to stem from these preconceptions.

To begin, Catholics ARE Christians. We really are! We believe in Christ and that he died on the cross for our sins. That He is the Son of God and was placed before us to convey God’s teachings and messages.

Second, just because characters in movies such as The Godfather trilogy or television programs like The Sopranos makes it look as though Catholics believe that you can go out and whack somebody then go to church and receive all kinds of forgiveness… that is FAR from the truth. Like all Christians, Catholics know that they’ll all have to answer for their actions, and that by going to Mass isn’t going to change anything.

Third, just because there is a statue of Mary in front of a church, it doesn’t mean that that is where Catholics go to worship Mary. And yes, I’ve had people mention that to me as well. The reason for the statues is not that we worship statues, but that the early Church used them as a way to help people pray who might feel better ‘looking’ at someone. That’s all.

As for confession and telling a Priest your sins? Though the old Church tried to keep the Priest in a higher regard, all of that has changed. By telling the Priest the bad things you’ve done, it was pretty much like getting something off ones chest – knowing it would be confidential while hoping for some type of peace from repentance. With some denominations, it’s not uncommon for those who have sinned to stand before the entire congregation and share everything they had done. Well, no thank you! To me that would just be giving material for others to gossip about. Of course who I am to judge. That’s just me.

Fifth, some believe that we worship the Pope. Uh, no! The Pope is the main, go-to guy when issues concerning the Catholic Church come about. However, if the Pope told all Catholics to jump off a bridge, I doubt you will see the multitudes lining up on its edges.   

Oh, and just to share? While dating a girl a few years back, I invited her to join me at Mass (a church service). And though the girl was very receptive to the thought, her aunt wasn’t. In fact, due to me being Catholic, this woman honestly believed that ALL Catholics, including myself, worshiped the Pope.  Seriously!  So to add some fire to her false perception, on the way back from church I told the girl to tell her aunt, that in the middle of the service, a large banner with the Pope’s image fell from the ceiling and then everyone prostrated themselves before it. Needless to say, after sharing with her aunt this tidbit of funny, she quickly pulled out the King James Version and tried to ‘save’ me. God bless her soul.  

Anyway… I know there are many other misconceptions of what Catholicism is all about. And though those mentioned above are just a few of the areas needing clarification, at least these have been addressed. And no, I am by far any kind of theologian –just a lowly ‘cradle Catholic’.

Oh, and other points worth mentioning: We don’t believe that only Catholics are going to Heaven. We respect other denominations and races - because who is REALLY able to judge others than The Man Upstairs? Right? The Catholic Church doors are NEVER locked – unless in maybe crime-infested areas - which makes one wonder with other churches - ‘Would God REALLY lock anyone out of His house? And one other thing…did you know that there are church services EVERYDAY – and not just on Wednesday and Sunday? Anyway, just to share.

Of course the Catholic Church isn’t perfect… far from it. But this is also true with other denominations. And what has been done by a few within its ranks doesn’t define the Church as a whole – and if you think that I’m gonna address any of those issues, well forget it. This post was mainly to shed some light on some misconceptions – harmless misconceptions by some strong-faith, church-going, well-meaning folks, who may have not known better. 

So just a heads up to those below the Mason/Dixon Line who might believe otherwise – Catholics ARE Christians. They really, really are!

Monday, September 15, 2014

When Opportunity Knocks, Open The Frickin' Door!

You know that moment when we’ve either seen a new product or have maybe noticed a new business idea and hit our heads with our hand and stated, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ Yep, we’ve all been there haven’t we? And though some of those concepts might not be worth the price tag they were attached to, there were those that truly were innovative and honest moneymakers.

Last Thursday’s blog entry I addressed one of those types of ideas that if done right, could become not only a financial windfall, but easily make those ‘outside the loop’ to smack themselves across the forehead in regret. And since it was mentioned in the lower portion of that days posting, I felt a need to share with all this full vision of a GREAT, and profitable idea.

I’m talking about The Indie Store!

Now don’t close your browsers just yet, folks. Let me share exactly what it is that I’m talking about.

Presently there are over 500,000 new indie books offered to the masses every month. That’s one heck of a lot of books to be seen by the average reader. An overwhelming amount! And quite honestly, most will never have the chance to really take off since most readers would never have a clue of their existence. And that’s a shame. Enter The Indie Store!

Presently an indie author can only have book signings in select locations, since the larger booksellers are understandably unwilling to host due to having to order print-on-demand books for their patrons. A cost the booksellers don’t want to ‘eat’ if all the books don’t sell. This makes it extremely difficult for authors to not only get face-to-face with the public, but also give the public a chance to fall in love with upcoming authors. Enter The Indie Store!

So, what IS The Indie Store? Good question and glad you asked.

The Indie Store would be a chain of stores that catered solely to independent authors, composers, bands, etc.? The financial structure would be based off the same principles as a consignment establishment, with the store first receiving an initial fee and then a small percentage off each sale after that. As for the stock, the books/CDs/or whatever would then be shipped by the creators themselves from the print-on-demand or other houses – making the cost per item extremely inexpensive. The stock would include the top tier sellers (either rated by local patrons or general national interest), some mid-range sellers, definitely ALL local artists, and then new releases. There would also be computers available for eBook information.

During the day, the stores would host a multitude of book signings and be a social gathering/reading/coffee/lounging type of environment. There would also be a side room to host book launching events. As for the evening, well that’s when the stores would come alive by spotlighting songwriters, local bands, etc. (laid back music throughout the week and then the other styles during the weekend.) 

The stores would be located in large metropolitan areas, as well as university and college towns. By placing the stores in those locations, both the indie authors and musicians would be given the best possible coverage to listeners and readers.

So… that’s pretty much the gist of it - The Indie Store - the great middle ground between the large booksellers and the trunk of cars. All that’s needed now are some interested parties who want to be a part of this exciting opportunity; this future of indie publishing.

Drop me a line at and don’t miss out on this. I would love to hear your feedback. And keep this in mind … when opportunity knocks, OPEN THE FRICKIN’ DOOR!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sometimes Out Of Nothing, Comes Something!

As I sat in front of the computer watching the annoying blinking from a cursor that anxiously waited for me to begin, I realized in reality that I had nothing. Nada. Zilch. Not even a HINT of viable possibilities to incorporate into this Thursdays blog entry. Oh, such is the life of a writer. Sometimes it comes; sometimes it doesn’t.

In an effort to distance myself from freaking out too much – due to an earlier promise of providing the masses with TWO posts a week – I decided to get up from my desk and grab one of the multitude cups of coffee I’m accustomed to drinking every day. A practice that would also give me an opportunity to check my phone for any emails or messages. Now, in the past I really wouldn’t have been that interested in any communication received, but I had recently been trying to line up some out-of-town book signings – so I made more of an effort than usual to stay on top of incoming emails and such.

Well, amid the emails focusing on erectile dysfunction, Russian escort services, weight loss systems, free credit scores, coupons, female hygiene, slow computers, and an assortment of dating sites, there it was – an email from one of the major booksellers in response to possibly hosting a book signing in that area. And so, with a sense of its contents being that of good news, I eagerly opened it.

However, that wasn’t the case.

You see, due to my books being print-on-demand, and not published by a ‘regular’ publishing house, that particular bookseller – as probably are others – declined my offer. Why? Well it seemed that due to previous signings done by other indie authors, they have had to financially ‘eat’ any remaining copies (and by that I mean, those books that the bookstore pre-ordered but didn’t sell during the signing).

Now folks, I TOTALLY understand where the booksellers are coming from. I really do! It’s just unfortunate that the above scenario happens to be the case with pretty much all indie artists trying to sell their wares this day and age. And though some avenues ARE available, needless to say, those are extremely crowded – and that’s not going to be changing any time soon.

Then that’s when it hit me! Why not the creation of a chain of stores that catered solely to independent authors, composers, bands, etc.? The financial structure would be based off the same principles as a consignment establishment, with the store first receiving an initial fee and then a small percentage off each sale after that. As for the stock, the books/CDs/or whatever would then be shipped by the creators themselves from the print-on-demand or other houses – making the cost per item extremely inexpensive. The stock would include the top tier sellers (either rated by local patrons or general national interest), some mid-range sellers, definitely ALL local artists, and then new releases. There would also be computers available for ebook information.

During the day, the stores would host a multitude of book signings and be a social gathering/reading/coffee/lounging type of environment. There would also be a side room to host book launching events. As for the evening? Well, that’s when the store would come alive by spotlighting songwriters, local bands, etc. (laid back music throughout the week and then the other styles during the weekend.)  

Okay… I’m gonna stop. I’m getting WAY too excited thinking about the possibilities! I mean, talk about a great opportunity and an important, much needed avenue for all independent artists. No more selling books or cds from the trunk of a car, and finally a place where the public could actually discover new and exciting talent. Oh my gosh!

In closing,… well it looks like I penned a blog entry after all, huh? I guess it just goes to show that sometimes out of nothing, comes something.  Oh, and for anyone out there with dark thoughts? Sorry but the above idea/concept has now been protected. Cheers.