Monday, July 28, 2014

Politics? Really? I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Politics!

Of course we are all aware of the politics that go on in government, but what I’m referring to are the politics that follow us in our everyday life – extended family, work, and even those acts dished out by strangers who cross our paths.

You know what I’m talking about. Whether born into it, flipping hamburgers at some fast food joint, or sitting in a work cubicle or large office somewhere, politics seem to follow us wherever we go. And no matter how hard we try to look past the brown nosing, backstabbing, insecurities from those who are trying their best to be noticed or accepted, the truth of the actions remain – they are willing to do whatever it takes to move up the ladder of life.

And so, really? Are things SO important that you have to cheapen your own character just to feel that you are better than those around you? Is it your insecurity or the selfish power gathering that continues to make you a kiss up? For me… life is too short.

What I HAVE learned from both personal and business experiences is that politics doesn’t do anything but divide. You can take the best of families or work environments, throw politics into the mix, and then watch how even the strongest foundations become weak. It’s sad… but true.

So, what secrets do I use in order to deal with the politics lobbed around me? Well, when it comes to extended family, I accept my loved ones for whom they are as well as the dynamic for which we’ve made. However, if it comes to a point when their actions or attitudes are hurting others, then I will step up and try to correct. As for any politics within the workplace, I try to keep my head down and do my work while letting others hang themselves. Oh, and I also make sure that either the volume is up on my headset or that my earplugs are crammed tightly in my ears.

Yes, be thankful for family! Be thankful for employment! Be thankful for the life around you! But while living your life, don’t let the words and actions from others bring you down or control you. Of course, for the most part, politics doesn’t show its ugly head on a constant basis. But when it does… it truly is ugly.

And so… politics? Really? I don’t need no stinkin’ politics.

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