Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So...When IS The Right Time To Leave?

I know all of you have been-there and done-that a few times in your life. Whether involved in a relationship gone sour, a horrific job, or even those times when you attended an awkward function, a little voice asked you ‘So, when would be the right time to leave?’ Right? So, IS there a perfect time? A moment when the thought of change doesn’t scare the hell outta you or when you consider complacency to be the easy route?

Though I am far from any PhD who could give you a monument full of reasons and examples, from my experiences – as well as those who I’ve talked with –all vary like the wind depending on each of the situations. However, there seems to be one, main directive for all.

Depending on, say… a relationship – whether it be dating, engagement, or marriage – it seems that we always have the tendency to think about the others involved but not our selves. Many times in dating, though we might discover the other person is a real jerk, for some strange reason many stay in it while thinking that ‘they could be changed’ or whatever. Really? You think so? And how about when that person strikes you – either verbally, or God forbid, physically? Think THAT will change? Uh… I don’t think so. ‘Oh… but what about their family? I just LOVE their family?’ you might be asking. Or, ‘We’re getting married in a couple of weeks! I can’t cancel now.’ Or how about the old favorite… ‘We have children! We HAVE to stay together for them!’ Come on, really? Are any of those good enough reasons for YOU to go through your personal Hell?

And then there’s ‘work’.  There you are at a job that when first hired you thought it was just the greatest of all places to be, didn’t you? I mean, why else would you have taken it in the first place? Then one day – whether due to work given, personality clashes, lack of appreciation, or just tired of the surrounding B.S. – you realize that it’s time to get the Hell outta Dodge. And though at that moment you might ponder sticking it out – expecting things to get better - or it’s the fear of having to find another job while your finances suffer, deep down inside you really just want to leave. But is the amount of suffering … stressing… for you to go through worth keeping a job you totally despise? I don’t think so. And yes, if you were to win the lottery, then the action of leaving that job wouldn’t be worth the hesitation. You would just quickly hit the door, while singing ‘Take This Job And Shove It’.

So… when IS the PERFECT time to leave a relationship…a job…or a situation where you don’t feel comfortable? Simple! When you realize that it’s the best thing for YOU to do! When you admit to yourself that YOUR life is too important, too short, for anyone, any event, or any job to cheapen otherwise.

If YOU’RE not happy, then change things! Take control of the life around YOU! And though you’re gonna be scared as Hell to start making those changes, trust me… you’ll be SO glad that you did! And though being complacent might seem to be easier route to take, all that you’re doing is putting off the inevitable while hurting yourself at the same time. 

You came into this World alone, and you’re going to leave this World alone.  Enjoy the ride!

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