Sunday, August 3, 2014

Visitors On A Saturday Afternoon

So, there I was. Just another Saturday of trying to do the least amount of work physically possible, when my perch on the couch was interrupted by a ring from the doorbell. Totally unexpected, my wife and I looked at each other and momentarily considered not answering. It was only until she responded, ‘Well, I’m not going to get it’, that I pretty much understood that if this unexpected visitor were to leave, then it was up to me to drudge to the door and answer.
Well, as I arrived close enough to see a blurred image of who had rang the bell, I immediately knew those on the other side – not by name, but how they were dressed. For standing before me with smiles beaming across their faces, dressed in white, short-sleeved shirts, black pants, ties, and black name badges attached to their chests were folks from The Church of Latter Day Saints. Mormon folks. Yep…I guess that I was next on their list.

Now, first let me be clear. I accept and respect all, no matter of whatever their beliefs. I mean, who am I to judge which denomination or types of persons are going to get into heaven? No thank you! I’m not gonna burn for eternity due to some ignorant close-minded-ness. I’ll leave THAT burning to many others.

The first thing that struck me strange was that instead of the ‘usual’ pair or travelers, there was an extra party in their group! Yeah.. a third! However unlike the others, this one was younger and not dressed in the stereotypical garb. In a matter of seconds, he was introduced as being a ‘trainee’! Wow, a trainee! I had no idea, but I guessed that one must start somewhere, huh?

So then it began... the expected questions from the presentable duo.

“Are you aware of The Church of Latter Day Saints, and the Book of Mormon?"

“Yep," I replied proudly, though not also sharing my previous enjoyment in watching ‘Big Love’ and ‘Sister Wives’ on the tube – both of which a lot of my knowledge of their faith had come. Didn’t think they would appreciate that tidbit of information.

And then came THE question. You know the one. "So, where do YOU go to church?’
How often when asked that question have I wanted to say in a very deep voice, something like, "I am a part of the church who believes that cannibalism is the true way. And it is now I would like to invite you all to stay for dinner!" Yes, I wanted to, but didn’t.

“I’m Catholic," I said.

Now, instead of the naïve questions that usually followed from those not associated with the Catholic Church here in the South, one of those dressed in traditional missionary attire then pointed out a statue that was placed near the door. “Well, I thought you might be Catholic", he said proudly. “That’s a nice statue of Mary you have there!"

“Uh, that’s a statue of an angel", I corrected. "That’s not Mary".

Well needless to say, shortly after that embarrassing correction, the visitors quickly left.

Okay, so really? Don’t you think that before discussing religion you need to KNOW religion? At least maybe its main characters? I mean, come on.

As for those fine gentlemen that stopped by...I wish them well, for their road ahead must be difficult. But guys, just a hint before you knock on that next door? Know the difference between Mary and angels. And whatever you do, don’t confuse a gnome statue with that being of, well, say… Jesus?

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